Doctrines of Decisiveness


Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
Psalms 133:1

I consult with ministers and pastors of many faiths. I teach pulpit etiquette. How to get and hold a congregations attention, how to make their points more clear, understandable and doable for everyday living. And most importantly, how to encourage the congregation to be participants, not merely an audience.

Recently I was consulting with ministers from five different faiths. During a break, two ministers got caught up in a heated discussion of various church doctrines. It was a petty, self-serving conversation.

Suddenly, one minister asked my opinion, another asked me what church I belonged to. All waited for validation of their personal beliefs.

I told them I was a Christian. I believed Jesus was the Son of God. That he died on the cross for our sins so we could live. That all salvation goes through Jesus and the Father was the alpha and omega. All knowing of everything that is past and all things that will come to pass.

All Children of God

My answer received pure silence. The ministers understood but said nothing. We are all Christians here. We all believe the same truths. Regardless of denomination, we are all children of God.

Doctrine is different in every Christian faith. But should not be an obstacle to being a member of the brotherhood of Christ our Savior.

I was driving later that week in Fort Myers when I noticed a bumper sticker on a truck in front of me that said, "I left church and returned to God."

Return to Scripture

Unfortunately, this is becoming more and more true. Doctrine separates the family of Christ. Worse, it weakens the entire Christian community.

So let's return to our scriptures. Encourage others to study and learn. Christianity is larger than any church doctrine and the community of all our faiths assures our freedom to believe as each person sees fit and best suits their needs.


All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
2 Timothy 3:16